Thursday, July 18, 2013

Battling Fear: A Warrior's Guide

Finally Overcome Fear!

This morning, something hit me during my prayer time – all this fear! Emails overflowing with it. Fear is crippling, and let me tell you, I've battled panic attacks myself. But here's the thing: fear is a war we can win.

This is for all you warriors out there. Fear is the enemy's weapon, but we have the armor of God (Ephesians 6:11). It's time to suit up!

Romans 6:16 lays it out straight: we serve who we obey. Are we gonna let fear call the shots, or are we gonna answer to God? This fear we wrestle with? It's about our core beliefs.  Do we believe in God's word like Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego staring down that fiery furnace? Fear wasn't their boss, and it doesn't have to be ours.

Now, Revelation 21:8 tells a truth we can't ignore – fear is listed first among those who won't inherit the kingdom. That means overcoming fear is critical. We are called to be overcomers (Revelation)!

Here's your battle plan:

Renew your mind. Romans 12:2 talks about transforming your mind. Fill it with scripture, develop a Christ-centered perspective. Let God's word be your weapon. 

Spiritual warfare is real. Our weapons are mighty in God (2 Corinthians 10:4). Prayer is our ammo. Jude 1:20 reminds us, faith comes through hearing God's word. So pray, warriors, pray hard!

Don't just stand there. Sometimes, the best defense is a good offense.  Face your fear. Remember the kid who hates vegetables?  Just eat them, get it over with, and claim your reward!

Hey, I even read a book once, back in the day, called "Feel the Fear and Do it Anyway." Not exactly Christian literature, but the title speaks volumes. 

Fear doesn't have to win. We can build ourselves up in faith, take action, and wield the power of prayer and scripture. We are warriors, and in Christ, we will overcome!

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