Thursday, August 1, 2013

From Hearer to Doer: Igniting a Passionate Faith

Are You Just Saying "Yes Lord" or Are You Truly Living for Him?

I wanna light a fire in your spirit and challenge you to examine your walk with the Lord. We all know the frustration of those "hearers only" churches, filled with empty rituals and hollow promises. But have you ever stopped to ask yourself:  Is my faith more than just words?

Romans 6:16 lays it bare: "We are slaves to the one we obey."  We serve one master – sin or righteousness. There's no middle ground.  Jesus Himself said, "Why do you call me 'Lord, Lord,' and do not do what I say?" (Luke 6:46) 

Imagine an angel following you today, seeing only your actions, not hearing your words. Would their report say your true Lord is Jesus?  

The Missing Ingredient: Relationship

The secret weapon for obedience isn't willpower, it's relationship.  Think about a tree. We're the branches, Jesus is the mighty trunk.  The xylem and phloem, the tree's circulatory system, carry life-giving sap.  What's the root of the fruit we bear? 

It's our connection to the vine, Jesus! Abiding in Him, we don't struggle to obey – the fruit of that connection flows naturally. 

Can you truly love someone you've never met?  Reading about Jesus isn't enough. We need an intimate relationship with Him, deeper than knowledge. 

Let's ditch the "Yes Lord, but..." excuses.  Are our actions reflecting The Sermon on the Mount?  Are we actively loving our neighbor, caring for the hurting, and seeking God first? 

Don't be a lukewarm "goat" Christian! We crave a fiery passion, a love for Christ that compels us to action, a love that surpasses even our closest earthly bonds. 

Let's cultivate a vibrant spiritual connection!  Seek Him in prayer, in worship, in everything you do. Let the Holy Spirit guide your steps. Make Jesus your Lord, not just in words, but in every fiber of your being.

This is the call to a deeper walk!  Are you ready to truly live for Christ?  Let's go higher, dig deeper, and be the few who truly follow Him. 

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