Sunday, April 24, 2011

The Truth About Easter: Pagan Origins and Christian Compromise

The Christian Compromise

Easter is one of the most celebrated holidays in the Christian world, but does its observance align with biblical teachings? As Christians, we must examine the origins and practices associated with this day to determine if we are truly honoring the resurrection of Jesus Christ or inadvertently participating in pagan rituals.

The Name "Easter" Itself

The very name "Easter" is derived from the ancient fertility goddess Ishtar (also known as Astarte, Ashtoreth, and other variations). This pagan deity was worshipped long before the birth of Christ, and her symbols included the rabbit (fertility) and eggs (reproduction). When the early Catholic Church sought to consolidate pagan religions, they adopted the same timing and practices for their celebration of Christ's resurrection.

Pagan Symbols and Practices

Many of the modern Easter traditions have direct links to pagan fertility rituals and goddess worship. Decorating eggs, the Easter bunny, and egg hunts all stem from ancient pagan rites to honor the renewal of life and fertility in spring. As Christians, we must ask ourselves: Is it appropriate to incorporate these symbolisms into our observance of Christ's victory over death?

The Biblical Passover

Scripture makes no mention of an "Easter" celebration. Instead, the crucifixion and resurrection accounts align with the Jewish Passover, a memorial of God's deliverance from Egypt (Exodus 12). Jesus Christ is the ultimate Passover lamb whose blood covers our sins (1 Corinthians 5:7). The early Church celebrated this event annually on the 14th day of Nisan, the first month on the Hebrew calendar.

A Call to Separate

God repeatedly warned His people against adopting the practices of pagan religions (Deuteronomy 12:29-31). As followers of Christ, we are called to be set apart and holy, turning away from idolatrous customs. While the resurrection is certainly worthy of celebration, the origins and symbolism of Easter appear to be a compromise with ancient pagan rituals condemned in scripture.

As we approach this season, let us carefully examine our traditions and priorities. Are we truly honoring Christ's sacrifice and triumph, or have we unknowingly embraced pagan influences? May we seek biblical truth and separate ourselves from any residue of idolatry, worshiping God in spirit and truth (John 4:24).


  1. You Rock! Christians need to be taught from the Bible and not from popular culture. I pray you have the Ezra annointing and teach those so that they may understand.

  2. Thanks Stephen.

    Have you ever asked someone if they would give up this pagan celebration for Jesus?

    I find it completely amazing that people won't give it up. To me it is a no brainer!

    I do know people however, that read the Jeremiah reference to the Christmas tree (actually winter solstice pagan thing), and immediately drop that pagan tradition.

    God bless!

  3. Great post! There may have been a time when Christians could do this when the world was simply secular. Growing up, our family was not committed Christians or pagans, we were simply lost people. We no longer live in a secular culture, we live in a pagan culture. Now more than ever we need to come apart and be separate from the unholy thing.
