Friday, April 11, 2014

Powerful Redemption Story: How Jamie Found Jesus After Drugs, Alcohol and Despair

Jamie's Story and God's Surprising Ways

In this powerful interview from Coffee with Conrad, we hear the incredible testimony of Jamie, who will be sharing at the upcoming Jesus Jam Texas event on Memorial Day.

Jamie opened up about his troubled past with drugs, alcohol, and living for himself before joining the military. Even then, the alcohol continued to be a crutch as he tried to fill a void he couldn't quite understand. 

It was during his deployments to Iraq that God began working in Jamie's life in surprising ways. After difficulties with his first marriage, God crossed Jamie's path with his current wife Leah in an amazing way - they had actually grown up just 15 minutes apart but didn't meet until being stationed together in Germany!

Through Leah's evident joy and faithfulness to Jesus, Jamie was drawn to the Lord. As he fell in love with Leah, he fell in love with Jesus at the same time. 

Jamie's story reminds us that God can turn our deepest pains and mistakes into something beautiful for His purposes. The seeking heart will ultimately find the Lord, even if the journey takes unexpected twists and turns along the way.

In Christ, Jamie found the purpose and peace he had been searching for. His testimony powerfully illustrates that knowing about God is not the same as truly knowing Him. Like the demons who obey Jesus as Lord, even quoting Scripture is not enough (Matthew 7:21-23). We must seek an intimate, personal relationship with our Savior.

Join us at Jesus Jam Texas on Memorial Day to hear more of Jamie's incredible story of redemption! This event will feature live music, worship, and testimonies while raising funds for the Wounded Warrior Project. Don't miss this special day celebrating our Lord Jesus Christ.

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