Thursday, June 19, 2014

Open Your Mouth and Speak Life: A Prophetic Word About Sharing God's Message

The Power of Prophetic Words and Sharing the Gospel

Hey everyone, Conrad here from the pond. Today's message is a little different, but powerful. During a recent Bible study, I received a strong word that resonated deeply within me, and I felt compelled to share it with you all.

The word focused on the importance of speaking forth the words God places on our hearts. It reminded me of the story in the Bible where a prophet calls for a minstrel, and as the music plays, the evil spirit tormenting King Saul is driven away. This highlights the power of praise and worship in creating an atmosphere where God's presence can truly be felt.

Just like the believers gathered around Jesus in the room where He raised a girl from the dead, there's something special about being in a room filled with fellow believers. It's in these moments that we can truly step outside of ourselves and become vessels for God's work.

The message I received was clear: God has placed words in our mouths, and we have a responsibility to speak them forth. A spiritual arm, disconnected from a person, was trying to cover their mouth, symbolizing the forces that attempt to silence our voices and prevent us from sharing God's message.

The devil desires to steal the word before it leaves our lips, just like snatching the seed sown in our hearts. This emphasizes the importance of overcoming fear and self-preservation, which are often the roots of our hesitation to speak up.

Remember Peter and his encounter with the paralytic. He could have remained silent, fearing judgment or social awkwardness. But instead, he spoke forth the words God placed on his heart, leading to the man's healing. This exemplifies the power of obedience and the life-changing potential of prophetic words.

Just like Mercy, who bravely shared the message God gave her during the Bible study, we too must embrace the responsibility that comes with receiving prophetic words. We must seek God first, prioritize His will, and speak forth life-giving messages without fear.

There's so much out there that masquerades as Christianity, but the Holy Spirit will guide us towards truth. We are called to discern the genuine from the misleading, and there comes a point where we recognize the real presence of God.

So, as you navigate the world, pay close attention to that inner voice. When your spirit resonates with what you read in the Bible, that's the voice of God leading you. Don't be afraid to follow Him, even if it means challenging the status quo.

Remember, sheep know their shepherd's voice. Keep seeking Him, keep digging deeper, and keep going higher in your spiritual journey.

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