Thursday, July 3, 2014

Curtis Petrey Shares a Prison Testimony

 From Darkness to Light: A Testimony of Transformation in Prison

The Power of God's Light in the Darkest Places

I have a powerful story from Curtis Petrey about his experiences ministering in Mississippi State Penitentiary. It's a reminder that God's love can reach even the most hardened hearts.

Curtis and Nancy, along with others, volunteered in the prison for over a decade. One encounter that always sticks with Curtis is the time they faced a cell with a sign: "Satan is my master." Despite the hostility, Curtis felt compelled to engage.

He knelt down and began sharing Jesus, only to be met with a torrent of profanity. Yet, amidst the anger, something incredible happened. The man drew an impressive picture of Jesus. It was a stark contrast to the hatred he expressed verbally.

Curtis recognized this as a turning point. He pointed out that while the man's words spoke of darkness, his spirit, through the picture, revealed a yearning for the light. He offered the man a choice: continue down a path of anger, or embrace the freedom and life found in Jesus.

The next month, the sign was gone. The man, visibly changed, shared his own testimony. He had reached his "total bottom" and cried out to Jesus, who delivered him from Satan's grip. He then dedicated himself to sharing his newfound faith, leading countless others to Christ within the prison walls.

This story is a beacon of hope. It shows that no matter how lost someone seems, the potential for redemption is always present. Even in the darkest places, God's light can shine through, transforming hearts and lives.

This encounter reminds us:

* Never underestimate the power of God's word: Even when faced with resistance, sharing the message of Jesus can plant seeds that blossom later.

* God works through unexpected ways: The picture drawn by the angry man became a powerful tool for his own transformation and the witness of others.

* There's always a choice: We can choose to spread God's love even in difficult situations, offering others the chance to experience the freedom found in Christ.

Curtis's story is an inspiration to us all. Let it ignite a passion within us to share the light of Christ, wherever we may find ourselves. Remember, God's love has the power to reach anyone, anywhere.

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