Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Why Your Ministry Might Be Blocking Your Destiny (and What to Do About It)

Letting Go of the Bar and Diving into God's Perfect Will

I've been seeking the Lord fiercely lately, storming the gates of heaven for revelation. But sometimes, it feels like there's a brass heaven blocking my prayers. It's in these moments that I realize the importance of persevering in prayer and seeking God diligently.

You know, as Christians, we often find ourselves fully invested in a particular ministry or way of doing things. We've put so much time and effort into it that it becomes hard to let go, even when God is calling us to something new. It's like we're holding onto a bar made up of our own thoughts, arguments, and patterns. We're stuck in a two-dimensional reality, unable to see the fullness of what God has for us.

But here's the thing: Jesus is right there, inviting us to let go of that bar and follow Him. It's like He's reaching into our flat land existence, offering us a taste of the three-dimensional life He has for us. When we operate in the spirit, our old way of thinking looks so silly and limited.

I know it can be scary to let go of what we know, to step out into the unknown. But trust me, it's the best thing you can do. When you dive into God's perfect will, it's a wild and exciting ride. You'll find that manna falls from heaven when you have a deep relationship with Him.

So, my challenge to you today is this: take a look at the spiritual aspect of your life. Are you stuck in a two-dimensional way of thinking? Are you holding onto something that God is calling you to release? Take some time to seek Him, to delight yourself in His presence. Let Him give you the desires of your heart and lead you into His perfect will.

It's not always easy, but it's always worth it. I wouldn't trade my walk with God for anything in the world. When you let go of the bar and dive in, you'll find that flat land doesn't rock - but life with Jesus sure does!

In conclusion, I want to encourage you to let go of the bar and dive into the adventure God has for you. It may seem daunting at first, but I promise you, it's the most thrilling and fulfilling journey you'll ever take. When you surrender your plans and follow His leading, you'll experience the abundant life Jesus talked about.

So here's my call to action: set aside some dedicated time this week to seek God's face. Ask Him to reveal any areas where you're holding onto your own plans instead of following His. Then, take a step of faith and obey what He shows you. It might mean letting go of something familiar, but I guarantee you won't regret it.

Remember, flat land thinking will keep you stuck, but life in the spirit will set you free. Let's choose to dive deep and soar high with Jesus.

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