Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Incredible Testimony of an Undercover Missionary to China

One Man's Covert Mission to Communist China

As a Christian blogger, I recently had the privilege of interviewing an anonymous missionary who had been called by God to take the gospel to mainland China - a country where Christianity is illegal and evangelism is extremely dangerous. This undercover brother's powerful testimony left me in awe of how God is moving mightily, even in the hardest spiritual soil.  

A Divine Vision and Three Years of Prayer

It all started with a vision from the Lord over the course of three years, revealing specific places in China that this missionary was being called to. After praying intently and seeing God provide the means, contacts, and finances, he embarked on this covert missionary trip to China with two others. 

Entering the Heart of Religious Persecution  

Once on the ground in China, they connected with local hosts and witnessed firsthand the harsh reality of Christian persecution. They were explicitly warned that if caught spreading the gospel, they could be arrested, tortured, or even killed. The official government stance is that Christianity is forbidden, even though an underground house church movement is gradually spreading.

Using Bible Stories to Build Relationships

So how does one even begin to share Jesus in such a hostile environment? This undercover missionary said the key was to build genuine relationships first by spending time with people, eating meals together, and using creative ways to casually bring up Bible stories like Noah's ark or the resurrection of Christ. Slowly, spiritual conversations opened up doors to share the good news.

God's Miraculous Provision and Protection

Time and again on this trip, the missionary team witnessed incredible provision and supernatural protection from the Lord. When they felt a prompting to abruptly "go this way," it was God shielding them from police raids. There were times they sensed an outpouring of prayer cover from believers back home, renewing their energy. And finances miraculously arrived when needed. 

Despite the restrictions, God was moving in profound ways and opening hearts to the truth of the gospel message. The missionary shared the amazing story of "Red," a woman who began asking about a "Jesus movie" she had seen. After being discipled, she came to faith, then slowly each of her Buddhist family members did too - completely breaking from centuries of tradition and idolatry.

A Risk Worth Taking for Eternity

While spreading Christianity remains outlawed and extremely dangerous in China today, this undercover brother's willingness to go inspired me deeply. His testimony reveals the spiritual hunger present, even in the midst of severe persecution and opposition. I am challenged to be bolder in my own sphere, praying for open doors, God-appointed relationships, and spirit-led wisdom to make the most of every evangelistic opportunity.

May this post encourage you to pray fervently for the faithful missionaries risking their lives to reach China and others in anti-Christian nations. And may it stir us all to share the hope of Christ with greater love and courage, no matter the risks. There are eternities at stake.

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