Friday, August 22, 2014

Diving Deep into the Prophetic with Pat Hodges

Here is my interview with Pat Hodges from Omega Ministries.
In this interview we discuss:

The difference between OT and NT Prophets
The Difference between prophet and being prophetic
What about "Judging Prophets" in 1 Cor 14:29 ?
Prophetic Pitfalls
Good Prophetic Books

I recently had the privilege of interviewing an old friend and mentor, Pat Hodges from Omega Ministries, about the prophetic ministry. When I first started walking in the prophetic many years ago, God brought Pat into my life to help me grow. He took me from the kiddie pool to the deep end very quickly!  

In our interview, Pat shared some profound insights about the differences between Old Testament and New Testament prophetic ministry. In the Old Testament, only a few were anointed as prophets to hear from God on behalf of the people. But in the New Testament, Jesus made a way for all believers to hear His voice directly. The role of New Testament prophetic ministry is mainly for edification, exhortation and comfort, as well as confirmation.

However, Pat cautioned against relying too heavily on prophetic words from others. "We need to personally develop a relationship with Jesus," he said. "That's the foundation of it." God wants intimacy with each of us.

Pat also talked about judging prophetic words with discernment. There should be mature believers who can tell if something is spoken out of a person's wounds or desires rather than from the Lord. The spirit of prophecy should align with the Spirit of Jesus.

Some of the pitfalls to avoid in prophetic ministry include pride, false assumptions, suspicion, and "reading people's mail" - picking up on the desires of their heart rather than hearing a true word from God. I can relate to that one! It's a sign of immaturity that comes with growth.

Ultimately, the best way to grow in the prophetic is simply to seek closer relationship with Jesus. As we abide in Him, He gives us revelation. I've found the prophetic anointing is also stronger in community, when prophetic people come together in unity. It can be like watching TV in the spirit! 

I'm so thankful for mentors like Pat who have helped me on this journey of growing in the prophetic. I pray this interview encourages you to dive deeper in your own relationship with God, hear His voice more clearly, and use your gifts to bless the body of Christ. 

Here are the books mentioned for learning the prophetic:

The Seer
The Final Quest 
User Friendly Prophecy
You May All Prophesy
When God Speaks
Prophets and Personal Prophecy
Growing in the Prophetic
Angels on Assignment -
The Elijah Task -

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