Friday, November 14, 2014

From Darkness to Light: Mary Priddy's Powerful Testimony of Transformation Through Jesus

Jesus: The Love Mary Needed


I recently had the privilege of interviewing Mary Priddy, who I connected with through the Knowing Jesus community on social media. Mary's story is one of the transforming power of Jesus Christ in a life that was once lost in darkness. I'm excited to share her powerful testimony with you.

Raised in the Church, but Falling into Darkness

Mary was raised going to church by her grandparents and was baptized at a young age. But when she was 12, her world fell apart when her preacher grandfather passed away. She ended up in state custody and started down a path of drinking, drugs and unhealthy relationships. By 18, she was pulled into a dark world of hard drugs, prostitution, and abuse by an older man. 

Hitting Rock Bottom

Mary spiraled further into drug addiction, especially meth. She worked as an escort and prostitute to support her habit. Suicide attempts landed her in the ICU. Mary felt helpless and hopeless, seeing no way out of the darkness her life had become. But God was still there.

A Grandmother's Love and God's Intervention 

Even in her lowest moments, contemplating ending her life, Mary recounts how Jesus intervened. Her grandmother miraculously found her and brought her home. After a final relapse and suicide attempt, Mary ended up in a shelter, then a church. She was prayed over, and has now been walking in freedom in Christ for 10 years.

Experiencing the Love of God

A key turning point came a few years ago when Mary had a powerful encounter with God's love while reading a book. She felt His love lavished on her in that moment - the unconditional love she had been searching for her whole life. This solidified her walk with Jesus.

Praying for Others to Be Set Free

Mary prayed a powerful prayer for those struggling with addiction, sexual immorality, and searching for love in the wrong places. She prayed they would find their identity and hope in Christ, ignore the enemy's lies, cry out to God, and experience His real love and freedom.


What an amazing testimony of the relentless love and transforming power of Jesus! No matter how far we may fall into darkness, God is always there, ready to set us free if we cry out to Him. I pray Mary's story inspires many to turn to Jesus and find new life in Him. Feel free to connect with Mary on her Google+ profile linked below. And if you have a testimony of how Jesus has changed your life, I encourage you to share it boldly!

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