Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Embracing Childlike Spirituality

Childlike Faith - A Testimony

 I want to share a testimony that speaks to the essence of childlike faith and its profound impact on our spiritual journey. This story comes from my personal experiences and reflections, and I hope it inspires and encourages you in your walk with Jesus.

From Early Church Days to Deep Reflections

One of the common threads among the testimonies on my blog,, is that many of us began our spiritual journeys quite early. For me, it started with a 'drug problem'—I was 'drugged' to church by my family. As a child, I found the sermons monotonous and often fell asleep. Yet, looking back, these early church experiences planted seeds of faith that would later grow in unexpected ways.

Despite my initial boredom, there were moments that left a lasting impression. My father, who was a traveling salesman, would take me to church whenever he was in town. His dedication to writing checks to support the ministry and his sincere prayers before bed were powerful examples of living faith. These actions taught me the value of committing our resources and time to God's work.

Childlike Faith in Action

Reflecting on my childhood, I recall praying with an unwavering belief that God would answer my prayers. And He did. I prayed for a horse and a puppy, and soon after, both prayers were answered. These experiences, though they ended tragically for the animals, taught me the importance of praying for God's will rather than our own desires.

My family, especially my grandfather, modeled a quiet but profound faith. He prayed silently, often unbeknownst to others, and had prophetic dreams that came to pass. This instilled in me a deep belief in God's presence and power.

Struggles with Doubt and Rediscovery

As I grew older, I faced significant challenges to my faith. Learning that my family had lied about things like Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny crushed my trust and led me to question everything, including the existence of God. This period of doubt and skepticism pushed me to study various religions and philosophies, seeking truth.

Despite wandering through different beliefs, I could not shake the supernatural experiences and the voice of God I had known as a child. In a moment of desperation, I prayed earnestly for God to reveal Himself. He did, and my eyes were opened to the truth of His presence. This experience reignited my faith and led me to delve deeply into the Bible and Christian teachings.

Lessons for Today

Looking back, I realize the importance of the examples set by my family and the need for honesty and integrity in nurturing faith. We must be mindful of what we teach our children and how we guide them in their spiritual journeys. Church is not just a building; it is the body of believers who support and uplift each other in faith.


I hope this testimony resonates with you and encourages you to embrace a childlike faith, trusting in God's presence and guidance. Let us be diligent in sharing our faith with honesty and integrity, helping the next generation to find their path in Christ.

Thank you for being a part of Your support and engagement are invaluable. 

Until we meet again, dig deeper, go higher!

God bless you,


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