Friday, February 27, 2015

Understanding the Jewish Roots of Christianity: An Interview with Nancy Petrey

Jewish Roots of Christianity Explored

Welcome to a special segment of our blog where we delve into the fascinating intersection of Christianity and its Jewish roots. Today, we feature an enlightening interview with Nancy Petrey, a passionate advocate for understanding the Hebraic roots of Christianity. Nancy is a dedicated musician, an impressive student of the Bible, and the co-founder of Mizpah for Israel, a ministry aimed at educating Christians about their Jewish heritage.

Introduction to Nancy Petrey

Nancy Petrey, alongside Janice Horwitz Bell, established Mizpah for Israel in 2002. Nancy holds a master’s degree in religious education with a focus on the Middle East, making her a go-to expert on the Old Testament and its connections to the New Testament. Her ministry emphasizes the importance of understanding the Jewish roots of Christian faith and the prophetic insights contained within.

The Importance of Pentecost

The interview kicks off with a discussion about the Christian holidays and their overshadowing by pagan traditions. Specifically, Nancy sheds light on Pentecost, a holiday that commemorates the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. She explains that Pentecost, or Shavuot in Hebrew, is rooted in the Jewish Feast of Weeks. This year, Pentecost falls on May 24th, coinciding with both the church and the biblical Jewish calendar.

Nancy elaborates on the significance of Pentecost, explaining how it marks the end of the barley harvest and the beginning of the wheat harvest. More importantly, it symbolizes the harvest of souls, as evidenced by the 3,000 men who were saved and baptized on the day of Pentecost.

The Connection Between Old and New Testament Feasts

Nancy provides a detailed explanation of how the seven annual feasts listed in Leviticus 23 form God's calendar of redemption. Jesus fulfilled the first four feasts with His first coming and will fulfill the final three with His second coming. Nancy highlights the fulfillment of Passover through Jesus' crucifixion, the Feast of Unleavened Bread through His sinless burial, and the Feast of Firstfruits through His resurrection.

The Jewish Calendar and Christian Celebrations

A significant portion of the interview is dedicated to understanding the differences between the Jewish and Christian calendars. The Jewish calendar is lunar-solar, with months based on the moon's cycles, while the Christian calendar is solar. This often leads to differences in the dates of religious celebrations. Nancy explains how Emperor Constantine's changes to the church calendar in the 4th century led to the separation of the Christian celebrations from their Jewish roots.

The Prophetic Significance of Jewish Feasts

Delving deeper into prophecy, Nancy discusses the three remaining feasts: Rosh Hashanah (Feast of Trumpets), Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement), and Sukkot (Feast of Tabernacles). She explains their prophetic significance and how they relate to the second coming of Christ. Nancy also touches on the concept of Jubilee years and their potential prophetic implications.

The Role of Israel in End Times Prophecy

Nancy emphasizes the importance of Israel in end-times prophecy. She explains that the scattering and regathering of the Jewish people are part of God's plan, as prophesied in the Bible. The modern-day return of Jews to Israel, or Aliyah, is seen as a fulfillment of these prophecies. Nancy stresses that Christians should support Israel and recognize the integral role of the Jewish people in God’s redemptive plan.


Nancy’s insights remind us of the deep, intertwined roots of Christianity and Judaism. Understanding these connections enriches our faith and helps us grasp the full scope of God’s plan as revealed in the Bible. For those interested in delving deeper, Nancy’s book "Jewish Roots Journey: Memoirs of a Mizpah" is a valuable resource. You can also follow her writings on her blog,

We hope this interview has inspired you to explore the Jewish roots of your faith and to embrace the rich heritage that connects us all.

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