Wednesday, February 11, 2015

America's Spiritual Slumber: A Warning

Waking Up from Spiritual Slumber: A Prophetic Dream 

In a recent prophetic dream, I saw a stark picture of the current spiritual state of America. In the first part of the dream, I saw an American man sound asleep on the floor of a building, with large snakes weighing him down. The man had been asleep for so long that these grass snakes, while not poisonous, had grown to an enormous size of 6-8 feet long. 

This sleeping man represents how America has been in a state of spiritual slumber, allowing problems and evil influences to grow unchecked. While we've been "asleep", these snakes have crept in and are now weighing us down. There was also a black curtain in the room, obscuring my view of what lay behind it, indicating there are hidden forces at work that we cannot clearly see.

In the next part of the dream, I was driving an old truck that was nearly out of gas. The gas station I found was closed, the pump out of order. Desperately needing to fill up to make it home, I went into a shop looking for help, only to find it full of dusty, unused lawnmowers. 

The imagery of being out of gas connects to the parable of the 10 virgins in Matthew 25, where oil represents the Holy Spirit. As Christians in America, we are running dangerously low on the power and presence of the Spirit in our lives and churches. The unused lawnmowers represent how we have neglected our God-given mandate to tend the "garden" and exercise dominion by dealing with the "snakes" that have crept in. 

While praying about this dream, I sensed the Lord saying that in many of our churches, we are just "running on embers" rather than the powerful fire of the Holy Spirit that characterized past revivals and awakenings. We desperately need sanctification and a fresh baptism of the Holy Spirit and fire to wake us up from our slumber. 

The good news is it's not too late for us to wake up! Like the disciples who fell asleep in the garden when Jesus asked them to watch and pray, we have the opportunity now to shake off our spiritual drowsiness. As the body of Christ, we need to link arms in unity, pray for cleansing and holiness, and cry out for a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit to empower us. Let's commit to watching, praying and tending the garden with renewed vigilance and zeal. Jesus is coming back soon - let's be ready, with our lamps filled and burning brightly!

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