Wednesday, March 4, 2015

America's Awakening - The time is NOW

The Coming Wave of Revival and True Worship in America

I believe we are on the cusp of a great spiritual awakening in our nation. In recent days, God has been speaking to me and many others through visions, dreams and confirmations that a wave of revival is coming, and He is calling His people back to true worship.

It started for me during Sunday worship, when I saw a vision of an eagle being released and trying to soar, but it had grown fat and sluggish. To my dismay, it even began to resemble a turkey. I believe this represents the state of much of the American church - we have lost our prophetic edge and fire, growing complacent in our comfort and prosperity. The enemy has tried to steal our true worship, exchanging it for mere entertainment. 

But the story is not over! In the midst of this, I saw another vision of an evergreen tree, with candles and flames gathering to it from every direction. I believe this tree is a symbol of the coming revival that will restore us. Amazingly, others have been having similar dreams and visions about this "Appeal to Heaven" movement, harkening back to the flag George Washington flew during our nation's founding. Our only hope is to turn back to God!

"But the hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father is seeking such people to worship him." (John 4:23)

God is seeking those who will worship Him in spirit and in truth in this hour. Not entertainment or performance, but deep, authentic worship. When we do this, like Paul and Silas in prison, we will see chains broken and a great release of God's power!

I believe the eagle will soar again and America will see another Great Awakening as we return to our foundation of faith. The wave is coming - it's time to get on our knees in fervent worship and catch the mighty move of God's Spirit that is on the way! Will you join me? Let's appeal to Heaven together!

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