Monday, March 9, 2015

Using the Sword for Unity, Not Division

God's Word: Uniting, Not Dividing

God has recently been speaking to me a lot about worshiping in spirit and truth. It's amazing how people all over are posting revelations they're receiving about this at the same time. 

I've noticed there are divisions happening among Christians, with many using the "sword of the Spirit," which is the Word of God, against each other. They're drawing lines in the sand based on denominations and doctrinal positions. But brothers and sisters, this should not be! Jesus prayed in John 17 that we would be one. We need to learn to embrace each other as the Body of Christ.

As we mature spiritually, we progress from the "milk" of basic teaching to the "meat" of deeper revelation. But we must approach it with humility, realizing there are many things that are "too wonderful" for us to fully grasp right now. Angels are very careful to only speak what God has told them to say. In contrast, we humans often like to speculate and discuss spiritual matters we don't completely understand. 

Remember, both Jesus and Satan quoted scripture in their wilderness confrontation, but Satan twisted it for evil purposes. Similarly, people can find Bible verses to justify almost any position, even heinous acts. But the sword of the Spirit is meant to be wielded by the Holy Spirit, not our carnal reasoning. We need to seek the spirit of truth with humility, being open to correction.

God's ways and thoughts are so much higher than ours. His Word comes down from heaven like rain and snow to accomplish His purposes on earth. We must yield to His Spirit and not lean on our own understanding. When we have disagreements, we should give each other grace, realizing we all "see in a mirror dimly" for now.

The sword of division Jesus spoke of in Matthew 10 was between believers and unbelievers, not something to be used by Christians against one another. So let's be humble and use the Word to build up, not tear down. Let's bear one another's burdens and keep our eyes fixed on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith. God bless you all.

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