Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Memphis Exalts Jesus - Recap

Reflections on the Memphis Exalts Jesus Event

The Memphis Exalts Jesus event on April 4th was truly something special. My wife Susan and I were so blessed to be a part of it. Meeting our new friends Alfred and Juanita Ivory and Kenneth and Janet Marie Napper was divinely orchestrated. God was moving through this event in a powerful way.

One thing that really struck me was how the entire focus was on exalting the name of Jesus. No names of people, churches or ministries were mentioned - only Jesus was lifted up. This lack of names actually caused some confusion at first, but how refreshing to have an event that doesn't promote any person or brand other than Christ Himself! Even in the Bible, they often referred to Jesus by His title rather than His name. Names can cause division, but at this event we were truly unified in faith.

The Spirit of God was flowing as the crowd participated in praise, prayer and worship. People of all ages and backgrounds were crying out to God. I was especially impacted by the prayer circles - something the Lord had shown me years ago. As we held hands and prayed, taking turns, God's presence was so strong. I watched people be visibly changed and empowered right before my eyes. 

Reading Scripture aloud and hearing salvation testimonies in multiple languages was powerful. Today in many churches, teaching has overshadowed simply proclaiming the Word. We stand personally accountable for the doctrine we espouse. But God's original intent was for us to hear directly from His Spirit as we study Scripture, with guidance from mentors who closely disciple us.

I believe this event was a glimpse of the radical return to Jesus that the church needs. We need to humble ourselves, pray, seek God's face, and turn from our wicked ways. Then God will hear, forgive and heal our land. Events like this are just the beginning of what God wants to do, not only in Memphis but in our nation. Let's continue to exalt Jesus in our homes and cities. He alone is worthy of all glory, honor and praise!

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