Friday, May 8, 2015

From Evangelical Atheist to On Fire Christian!

Kim Endraske's Journey to Jesus

I'm excited to share a powerful testimony from Kim Endraske, who went from being an Evangelical atheist to a passionate follower of Jesus Christ. Kim and I met through the Exalt Jesus Memphis group on Facebook, and I was moved by her testimony during the event. She graciously agreed to share her story with the Conrad Rocks audience.


Kim Endraske's journey to faith is a compelling testimony of God's transformative power. Raised without any spiritual or religious influence, Kim's life took a dramatic turn when she encountered the Gospel for the first time at the age of 21. Her story is a testament to the power of Jesus Christ and the supernatural work of the Holy Spirit.

 A Life Without God

Kim's early years were spent in a moral, law-abiding family, but devoid of any spiritual presence. Her parents had walked away from the church before she was born, and as a result, Kim never attended church, heard prayers, or saw her parents read the Bible. This spiritual void left a profound fear of death in her heart, influencing many of her life choices.

Throughout middle school, high school, and college, Kim made moral choices not out of faith, but out of fear. She prided herself on being more moral than many professing Christians she knew, abstaining from drinking, maintaining purity, and following rules meticulously. However, this was driven by pride and fear, not a relationship with God.

 The Debating Atheist

In college, Kim became an outspoken atheist, using her skills as a national debate champion to argue against Christianity. She was offensive and angry, viewing the Bible and the concept of God as foolish. Her debates were fueled by a desire to prove her intellectual superiority and reject any higher power.

 A Divine Appointment

After graduating college and moving to St. Louis for student teaching, Kim's life took an unexpected turn. She attended a friend's wedding in St. Louis, where she met a young man named Bill. Their conversations quickly turned into debates about faith, and despite Kim's relentless attacks, Bill patiently engaged with her.

For weeks, Kim and Bill debated the existence of God, the validity of the Bible, and the claims of Jesus. One night, during one of their conversations, Bill mentioned being "saved." To Kim's surprise, she realized she had no idea what he meant, despite all her debates against Christianity.

Hearing the Gospel

That night, for the first time in her life, Kim heard the Gospel message: Jesus Christ, God in the flesh, came to Earth, died on the cross for our sins, and rose again. By putting her faith in Him, she could be saved and have eternal life. This message hit Kim like a ton of bricks, and she prayed to accept Jesus as her Lord and Savior.

A New Creation

After accepting Jesus, Kim's life began to change. The Bible, which had once seemed foolish, now came alive. She couldn't get enough of God's Word and was hungry to learn more about Jesus and His teachings. However, she quickly realized how little she knew about the faith she had embraced.

Despite her lack of knowledge, Kim was on fire for Jesus and eager to share her newfound faith with others. Her sister, who called herself an agnostic, began reading "Evidence That Demands a Verdict" by Josh McDowell, a Christian apologetics book, which helped her come to faith in Christ.

Witnessing God's Power

A few years into her walk with Christ, Kim's faith was put to the test when her sister experienced a devastating loss. Her one-year-old son, Brady, passed away in a tragic accident. This heartbreaking event became a pivotal moment in both Kim's and her sister's faith journeys.

Through this tragedy, Kim witnessed God's hand at work in miraculous ways. From the pastor who had experienced a similar loss ministering to her sister, to the comfort found in Scripture, God's presence was undeniable. This experience taught Kim to watch for "God sightings" in everyday life, reinforcing the reality of His love and care.

Personal Reflections and Biblical Teachings

Kim's journey from atheist to believer is a powerful reminder of God's patience and persistence. Certain Bible verses have become particularly meaningful to her:

- Acts 26:16-18 - This passage reminds Kim of her calling to be a witness to God's work in her life.

- Job 42:5 - "My ears had heard of you but now my eyes have seen you." This verse encapsulates Kim's transition from knowing about God to truly knowing Him.

- Matthew 5:4 - "Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted." This verse brought immense comfort during a time of family tragedy.


Kim Endraske's testimony is a powerful reminder of the transformative love of Jesus Christ. If you're reading this and are skeptical about God or Christianity, I encourage you to seek the truth with an open heart. Don't be afraid to ask questions and engage in respectful debates. God is big enough to handle your doubts and loving enough to meet you where you are.

For those who already believe, I challenge you to be ready to give an answer for the hope that you have (1 Peter 3:15). Study God's Word, learn about apologetics, and be prepared to share your faith with gentleness and respect.

Wherever you are in your spiritual journey, remember that God is real, He is active, and He loves you more than you can imagine. If He could transform a hardened atheist like Kim into a passionate follower of Christ, imagine what He can do in your life!

Will you take the next step in your faith journey today? Whether it's saying yes to Jesus for the first time, recommitting your life to Him, or deciding to dig deeper into apologetics, I encourage you to take action. Leave a comment below sharing your decision, or reach out if you have any questions about faith. Let's continue this conversation and grow together in Christ!

 Watch Kim's Testimony

To watch Kim Endraske's testimony at the Exalt Jesus Memphis event, check out the YouTube video

Connect with Kim

Kim also has a blog where she shares more about her journey and faith. Be sure to visit her blog and listen to her audio testimony.

Thank you for being a part of Conrad Rocks, and remember, we need to know Jesus and make Jesus known. God bless you!

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