Saturday, June 15, 2024

From Witchcraft to Worship: Alexandria Butler's Radical Transformation

The Transformative Power of the Holy Spirit

Today on Coffee with Conrad, I had the incredible privilege of interviewing Alexandria Butler, a woman with a powerful testimony of God's redemptive love and the transformative power of the Holy Spirit. Alexandria's story is one that will inspire and encourage you, no matter where you are on your spiritual journey.

Growing up surrounded by the darkness of witchcraft and bitterness, Alexandria seemed destined for a life of pain and negativity. But God had other plans. Through a divine encounter on Interstate 35, Jesus met Alexandria in her brokenness and radically changed the trajectory of her life. 

Here is the Audio Podcast Version of our interview:

As Alexandria shared her story with me, I was struck by the parallels in our own testimonies. Like Alexandria, I too struggled with demonic torment as a child. But also like her, I had grandparents and relatives who sowed seeds of faith into my life from a young age. Those seeds, planted in love, bore fruit years later as we each surrendered our lives to Christ.

One of the most impactful parts of Alexandria's testimony was hearing about her journey to being baptized in the Holy Spirit. Despite facing opposition and confusion, Alexandria persisted in her pursuit of this precious gift. And when she finally received it, the change in her life was undeniable. She went from being burdened and heavy to feeling 100 pounds lighter - delivered and set free to live in victory.

Being filled with the Holy Spirit also empowered Alexandria for ministry. No longer content to sit on the sidelines, she began actively sharing the gospel, laying hands on the sick, and casting out demons. Her story is proof that God wants to use all of us to advance His Kingdom, if we will simply yield to His Spirit.

Alexandria's testimony carries an important message for the Church today. We need the power of the Holy Spirit to live the Christian life. We need His anointing to be effective witnesses for Christ. My prayer is that her story will light a fire in your heart, that you too would seek after the fullness of the Spirit. 

Here is the Live Interview:

I also hope this interview encourages any grandparents listening. Never underestimate the importance of sowing spiritual seeds into your grandchildren's lives. Your prayers and godly example can make an eternal difference, even if you don't see the fruit right away. Keep planting and watering, knowing God will bring the growth.

I'm so grateful Alexandria took the time to share her story with us. I know it will be a blessing and an inspiration to all who hear it. My friends, if you don't know the power of the Holy Spirit in your life, I encourage you to cry out to God for it. He is faithful to fill those who hunger and thirst for Him. And that fullness is available for you today.

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