Thursday, January 16, 2014

The Prophetic Blanket: A Call to Awaken the Church

Urgent Message for the Church!

I feel an urgent need to convey a weighty message that the Lord has placed upon my heart.

In a recent prophetic vision, I witnessed a blanket covering our area. Woven into this blanket was a web, symbolizing the internet. I believe God's intent is to blanket this region with His presence and Revelation, exposing the workings of darkness and revealing His sovereign plan.

The Lord has spoken to me, saying, "I will quell the voice of the enemy." A candle, almost fallen to the ground, represents a disjointed relationship between the church and the flame of God's Spirit. I urge us as Believers to heed the Lord's admonition to speak forth words of encouragement and discernment to those we encounter.

Within the vision, I observed a white-haired woman wearing a white gown, possibly representing a Jezebel spirit masquerading as an angel of light. Revelation 2:5 warns us to remember and repent of our fallen state.

Furthermore, I saw angelic beings spiraling down over our area in response to our prayers and worship. God is calling us to unite in this region, building a honeycomb of relationships and sharing our gifts and callings with boldness and wisdom.

Let us not confine Jesus to an alabaster box of religion. He desires to be released into our lives and ministries. I encourage us all to live outside our comfort zones, sharing words of encouragement and guidance to others. Our obedience will unlock the potential of those around us.

Remember, true extremism lies in radical obedience and unwavering faith in God's Word. Let us embrace the fire of the Holy Spirit and denounce the extremes of passivity and excess. Together, as we dig deeper and go higher, we can establish a spiritual Revolution that will bring glory to God and transform our communities.

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