Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Coffee with Conrad - Interview with Renegade Redeemed!

Finding God Through Hip-Hop with Renegade Redeemed

This week on Coffee With Conrad, I had the opportunity to chat with Renegade Redeemed, a former hip-hop artist turned Christian rapper and founder of Forever Redeemed Ministries. Let me tell you, it was an inspiring conversation.

Renegade, as he prefers to be called, wasn't always the man of God he is today. He described his past heavily influenced by the hip-hop culture, filled with drugs, alcohol, and a desire to emulate the rappers he admired. 

But in 2009, everything changed. His father, struggling with addiction, attended a church program and emerged a new man. Witnessing this transformation, a young Renegade felt a call to God and surrendered his life to Christ. 

This newfound faith completely reshaped his music. Instead of glorifying the sinful lifestyle he once lived, Renegade turned to Christian hip-hop, using his music as a tool to spread the word of God. 

Forever Redeemed Ministries, an outreach program he founded, is another way Renegade fulfills his mission. He and his team hit the streets, organize events, and use music to connect with others, particularly the younger generation.

One of the things that struck me most was Renegade's emphasis on the Bible. He reads it constantly, considering it the true word of God. He shared how important it is to not just listen to sermons in church, but to actively engage with scripture and allow it to guide your life. 

His passion for sharing the gospel was truly infectious. He spoke about the importance of witnessing, of using our talents and platforms to spread the message of God's love and redemption. 

If you're looking for a dose of inspiration, I highly recommend checking out Renegade Redeemed's music and Forever Redeemed Ministries. His story is a powerful testament to the transformative power of God's grace, and his music is a powerful tool for spreading the word. 

Remember, as Renegade says, God is real, and he loves you. Don't miss your chance to experience the life-changing power of faith.

Watch the PROMO I made from the #Burn event in San Antonio TX HERE

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