Monday, September 22, 2014

Standing for Righteousness: My Interview with Misty Hodges

Front  line Evangelism at Oklahoma Satanic Black Mass

Remember when I interviewed Pat Hodges about prophecy? Well, recently I discovered his wife Misty is doing some incredible frontline evangelism work, and I just had to share it with you all.

Misty had been proselytizing in Oklahoma City during a satanic black mass event. Now, before you jump to conclusions, she wasn't protesting. She was there to spread the Gospel and win souls for Jesus. I was so impressed by her courage and dedication that I invited her onto my show.

Misty shared her experiences at the event, describing the atmosphere and the various people she encountered. She emphasized that her goal was not to protest, but to evangelize.  She saw a lot of Catholics passionately praying against the darkness, but very few Christians actively engaging in evangelism.

One particularly striking moment for Misty was when she stood with a cross, realizing the gravity of taking a stand for Jesus. It saddened her that so few were willing to do the same, especially in the face of such blatant darkness.

During the event, one of Misty's fellow evangelists was actually arrested for simply inviting people to come and talk to them about Jesus! Thankfully, they had video evidence proving he was well within his rights on a public sidewalk.  This incident highlights the increasing challenges Christians face in exercising their freedom of speech and religion.

Misty's story is a powerful reminder that we need to be bold and proactive in our faith. We can't afford to be complacent or silent. We need to be actively spreading the Gospel and taking a stand for righteousness, just like Misty and her team are doing.

I encourage you all to check out Misty's ministry and consider supporting their work. They are a shining example of what it means to be a light in the darkness.  Let's all be inspired by Misty's courage and commitment to sharing the Gospel.

Follow Misty On Facebook. 

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