Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Prophetic Visions and Divine Warnings: Insights from Michael and John

A Dream and Revelation

Prophetic Insights for Today's Believers

Our community on Google+ has grown to an impressive 898 members, all eager to share and interpret the divine messages we receive. Today, we explore a profound dream shared by Michael from France, followed by a revelation from John Harrison. Join us as we unpack these prophetic insights and their scriptural parallels.

Michael's Dream: A Divine Warning

Michael, also known as the Teacher of Righteousness, shared a vivid dream that carries a powerful warning. In his dream, he was invited to a party by a believer. While waiting for his food, he saw the Throne of Elohim in the sky. Two men approached the throne and were granted permission to contaminate all food with diseases to punish adulterers and fornicators. A struggle ensued as Michael tried to protect his plate of food from contamination.

Key Takeaways from Michael's Dream:

1. Divine Judgment: The dream emphasizes El's judgment on adulterers and fornicators, urging believers to flee from sexual immorality.

2. Scriptural Parallels: The dream resonates with several biblical narratives, such as the marriage supper of the Lamb (Revelation 19:6-9) and the parable of the wedding feast (Matthew 22:1-14).

3. Spiritual Vigilance: Believers must be vigilant about their associations and the influences around them, as echoed in 1 Corinthians 5:8-13.

John Harrison's Revelation: The Rise of True Prophets

John Harrison received a revelation about the times we live in. He warns that the adversary is releasing false prophets who will exhibit witchcraft and seducing gospels. However, true prophetic dreams and visions, originating from a realm inaccessible to the adversary, will expose these false prophets.

Key Points from John's Revelation:

1. False Prophets and Witchcraft: The adversary mimics prophetic words but cannot replicate true prophetic dreams and visions (Joel 2:28).

2. Discerning the Times: Believers need to understand the times, much like the children of Issachar (1 Chronicles 12:32), and align with God's prophetic timetable.

3. The Seal of True Prophets: Dreams and visions will become the hallmark of true prophets in the last days, distinguishing them from those delivering on-the-spot psychic messages.


Both Michael's dream and John's revelation serve as timely reminders for believers to stay spiritually alert and grounded in the Word of God. As we navigate these prophetic insights, let us seek divine wisdom and discernment to recognize and follow true prophetic voices.

Thank you for being a part of the prophetic community. Join us on Google+ to share and discuss more prophetic dreams and revelations. Until next time, remember to dig deeper and go higher.

Feel free to share this post with your community and let the prophetic insights inspire and guide them.

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