Friday, January 16, 2015

From Darkness to Light: One Man's Incredible Journey Out of Homosexuality and Transgenderism

Born Again: Overcoming Transgenderism For Jesus

David's story is one of the most powerful testimonies of transformation through Jesus Christ that I've ever encountered. From a very young age, David struggled with same-sex attraction and by his teens was living as a transgender prostitute - taking female hormones, engaging in homosexual activity, crime, drugs and spreading HIV. He fully embraced the lie that he was "born this way."

But God had other plans for David's life. While in prison, a Christian corrections officer planted a seed by sharing the truth in love - that homosexuality is wrong but that God still loved David. This set David on a path of questioning and seeking the one man he had never given a chance - Jesus.  

Near death in 2009 from AIDS, David cried out to Jesus from his sickbed. He realized homosexuality was a sin he could overcome through Christ, not an identity. Disgusted by his old life, David moved to start fresh, growing in his faith and becoming part of a church.

However, David often felt silenced by well-meaning Christians afraid to discuss his past. He believes the church must address this issue head on in love and truth. Homosexuality is not normal and people are not "born this way" - it is a sin like any other that Jesus can set people free from, no matter how far they have fallen. 

Looking back, David sees fatherlessness as the root of his struggles and the fate of his many friends who died young. His advice to those wrestling with homosexuality is to resist temptation, trusting God will provide a way out. No one is too far gone for the transforming love and power of Jesus.

Today, David mentors others through his website His deepest desire is to see the lost find hope, healing and salvation in Christ just as he did. David's testimony is a powerful reminder that in Jesus, we can all step out of darkness into His marvelous light.

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