Friday, January 9, 2015

From Darkness to Light: Shane Woodruff's Powerful Testimony of Deliverance and Redemption

From Darkness to Light: Shane's Testimony

Today I have an incredible testimony to share with you from Shane Woodruff. Shane's story is one of being delivered from the depths of drug addiction and despair into new life in Christ Jesus. His journey powerfully illustrates how God can transform even the most broken life when we come to the end of ourselves. 

Childhood Seeds of Faith

Shane's spiritual journey began at a young age, when his parents would take him to church. At just 5 years old, he had a profound encounter with God's presence that left an imprint on his young heart. Shane recounts, "I remember when I was a child, the word of God was going forth... At five years old I got up from the pew, went to the pulpit, and started weeping. A presence was there." 

Though not yet born again, a seed of faith was planted that would later bear fruit. As Shane puts it, "The word birthed faith in my heart even as a little young man."

Bound by Addiction

Despite this early spiritual experience, as Shane grew older he became ensnared in the same drug addiction that had torn his family apart. Cocaine, marijuana and sexual perversion had a strong hold on his life. The pain and turmoil of his upbringing followed him into adulthood.

Brought Low in Jail

The turning point came when Shane hit rock bottom in county jail after getting arrested on drug charges. He had lost everything dear to him - his wife, his children, his will to live. Sitting in that jail cell, he came to the complete end of himself. 

It was there that a minister shared the gospel of Jesus Christ rising from the dead. That night as Shane lay on his bunk pondering the message, faith sprang to life. He marveled, "What if this man really rose from the dead?" In that moment, the love of God was shed abroad in Shane's heart. He was born again in January 2007.

Walking Out Deliverance

In the seven years since giving his life to Christ, Shane's zeal for the Lord has been evident to all. He loves to study the Word and share the revelations he receives. Though the journey has not been without struggles and stumbles, Shane holds fast to the promise that God is working all things together for his good.

When I asked Shane if he thought jail was part of God's plan to deliver him, he replied, "I believe God had orchestrated that plan to bring me to that point and purpose in order to bring me forth into the kingdom of God. No pain, no gain."

Amen! I pray Shane's powerful testimony blesses and encourages you today. No matter how dark your situation, know that God's love can reach you and make you a new creation in Christ. If you are walking through the "birth pains" of coming to faith, take heart - your deliverance is near! Thanks for reading and may God's richest blessings be upon you.

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