Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Experiencing the Power of Unity at Memphis Exalts Jesus

Memphis Exalts Jesus!

Today I want to share an inspiring event that truly exemplifies the power of unity and the supernatural presence of Jesus in our lives. On April 4, 2015, we gathered at AutoZone Park for an event called Memphis Exalts Jesus, and it was nothing short of miraculous.

A Divine Appointment with the Number Seven

Before diving into the event, I want to share a personal experience that underscores the mystical nature of our journey to Memphis. Recently, I aired a podcast about the biblical significance of the number seven. This number has played a profound role in my life, so much so that after recording the podcast, I had a surreal encounter at Walmart. As I stood in line, a girl randomly turned and said, "July 7th." This date has deep connections to my life and our move to Memphis, where everything seemed to align perfectly with the number seven. From church addresses to prorated rent, the number seven was a clear sign that we were meant to be here.

 Seeking Him in Memphis

Susan and I moved to Memphis with a fervent desire to seek God's will and make meaningful connections. We were drawn to the idea of bold, outdoor evangelism and the celebration of uncorrupted Christian holidays. This led to events like Camp Pentecost, where we celebrated the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, free from any pagan influences.

The Call for Unity

One of the most remarkable aspects of Memphis Exalts Jesus was the unity among believers. People from various denominations and walks of life came together with a common purpose: to lift up the name of Jesus. This wasn't just a response to the nearby National Atheist Convention; it was a heartfelt cry for revival in a city that desperately needs Jesus.

A Gathering of Worship and Testimonies

From 1 PM to 5 PM, AutoZone Park was filled with worship, scripture readings, prayers, and powerful testimonies. Steve Copeland, one of the event organizers, emphasized that this gathering was not about opposing atheists but about declaring the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Hundreds of believers, including Caucasian, African-American, Chinese, and Korean Christians, came together, demonstrating that we are one in Christ.

Spreading the Message

To ensure that the message of Jesus reaches as many people as possible, we are using hashtags like #ExaltJesusMemphis and #MemphisExaltsJesus. I encourage you to share these hashtags and spread the word. It's not about the Easter bunny; it's about lifting up the name of Jesus over a city in need.

Reflecting on Brotherhood

In addition to the event, I want to highlight the importance of supporting our brothers and sisters in Christ. Just like soldiers have a battle buddy, we need to be there for each other, especially in times of spiritual warfare. Galatians 6:10 reminds us to "do good to all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith."

Looking Ahead

As we continue to pray for revival in Memphis, I ask for your prayers and support. Share the videos, tweets, and posts about the event. Let's create a ripple effect that spreads the love and power of Jesus far and wide.

Thank you for being a part of this journey. Together, we can make a difference.

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