Thursday, March 26, 2015

Is America Speeding Towards Destruction? A Call to Repentance

America's Reckless Race Towards Ruin

As I was reviewing some of my old podcast episodes recently, I came across one from 2008 that struck a chord with me. In it, I was discussing how America seems to be like a car speeding recklessly towards a cliff of destruction. 

So many of our political leaders swear an oath on the Bible to uphold the Constitution, only to then turn around and try to rewrite both the Bible and the Constitution. This is taking the Lord's name in vain. People are frustrated and hungering for righteousness, but the only One who can truly satisfy that hunger is Jesus Christ.

Sadly, it seems no one is listening to Jesus. God has spoken through miraculous signs, like splitting the pulpit at Christian Tabernacle in 1996 as a call for America to repent. But what did the church do? Put the pulpit back up and ignore the clear message. We continue in our wicked ways, becoming more hypocritical and powerless. Some churches are even rejecting God's definition of marriage!

There is a faithful remnant that is earnestly praying and fasting for revival. But as a whole, the American church is not walking in the supernatural power it should be. And as a result, our nation is losing its place of prominence. We're like passengers in that speeding car, bracing for impact rather than having the faith to jump out. 

Yes, fully submitting to Jesus as Lord will be painful. It will wound our pride and likely cost us relationships, finances and more. But the alternative is continuing on this destructive path and eventually being ground to powder when we face God's judgment. 

The Lord is merciful and gives us space to repent, as He did even for the prophetess Jezebel in Revelation. But that time is not indefinite. Many prophetic voices are urgently warning that the time to get right with God is now. 

I urge you to pray fervently for one another to have the courage to jump out of the speeding car that is this world system. Confess your sins to the Lord and to trusted brothers and sisters in Christ. Be watchful in prayer for the needs of the saints. 

Most of all, make Jesus your Lord in word AND deed. He is the only hope for America and for each one of us personally. The cliff is fast approaching - let's heed God's call to repentance before it's too late.

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