Friday, March 20, 2015

Jennifer Warhawk Testimony - From Pagan to Christian

From Priestess to Christ Follower


I recently had the privilege of interviewing Jennifer Warhawk, a woman with an incredible story of faith. Jennifer's journey took her from being raised in a Christian home, to exploring paganism and atheism, before finally returning to Christ with a newfound passion and conviction. Her unique perspective, especially on topics like the pagan roots of many Christian holidays, is eye-opening and thought-provoking. I'm excited to share Jennifer's powerful testimony with you today.

Jennifer's Early Years:

Though raised in a Christian family, Jennifer says the faith was more about going to church than truly living for Christ at home. This laid the foundation for her to easily fall away from Christianity in her rebellious teenage years. Jennifer's dad's third wife actually gave her a book on witchcraft that started her down the path of exploring paganism. 

Diving into Paganism:

As a young adult, Jennifer got involved with a group of practicing pagans. She was searching for spirituality and a connection with a god, which she didn't find in the Christian faith she grew up with. Paganism was attractive and made her feel connected to the earth. Jennifer even decided to become a priestess and studied paganism extensively, including the pagan holidays that the church later adopted. However, God prevented her from completing the process of becoming a priestess.

A Period of Atheism:

After moving and going to college, Jennifer lost her pagan faith and became an atheist. What she thought was a supernatural vision was explained away as a brain phenomenon, shaking her belief. Being educated by atheist professors further solidified her atheistic worldview for a time, though she wasn't dogmatic about it. 

Returning to Christ:

What finally brought Jennifer back to faith was, ironically, getting involved in conservative politics. As she researched issues, she realized she was a conservative, which didn't jive well with paganism or atheism. Around the 2012 election, Jennifer decided to sincerely pray and ask God to reveal Himself to her if He was real. God answered that authentic prayer, and Jennifer returned to Christianity, though it meant major changes like giving up the pagan-rooted holidays she had always celebrated.


Jennifer's story shows the power of God to bring someone back to Himself, even from paganism and atheism, when they sincerely seek Him. Her discovery of the pagan roots of holidays like Christmas and Easter, while not always popular, reflects a commitment to worship God in spirit and in truth. Jennifer's testimony is an encouragement to never stop praying for loved ones to come to faith, no matter how far they seem. I know her story has impacted me, and I pray it blesses you as well.

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