Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Falling on the Rock and Experiencing God's Presence

Experiencing God's Presence Fully

I've got some exciting things to share with you today that I believe will really bless you and stir your faith. 

Recently, as Susan and I were praying in the car, I had a vision of a wooden cart filled with manure. At first I didn't understand the meaning, but then the interpretation came rushing in. It reminded me of Jesus' parable in Luke 13 about the unfruitful fig tree that the owner wanted to cut down, but the gardener asked to fertilize it for one more year to see if it would bear fruit.

I believe this speaks to where many of us are at right now. We may feel like we've been dealt a bad hand in life or that things aren't going the way we hoped. But we have to remember - God owns the whole deck! He has a better plan for us if we're willing to let go of what we're clinging to so tightly. 

The religious leaders in Jesus' day rejected him as the Messiah because they didn't want to lose their position and power. But Jesus said the kingdom would be taken from them and given to those who bear its fruits. We can't let anything come before our devotion to Christ, even if it means a radical change.

The key is falling upon the Rock of Jesus and trusting fully in Him. Those who do will be broken in a good way - broken free from the things holding us back. But those who reject Christ will be scattered like dust. Let's be the ones who surrender all to Him.

I'm so hungry for more of God's presence in my life. Psalm 16:11 says in His presence is fullness of joy and pleasures forevermore. When we spend time worshipping Him, our problems fade and we're filled with the assurance that He's working all things out for our good. I've experienced His tangible presence in amazing ways over the years and it's ruined me for anything less!

The priests couldn't even minister because the glory cloud of God's presence so filled the temple (2 Chron. 5). When Paul and Silas worshipped in prison, there was an earthquake and everyone's chains fell off (Acts 16). God's presence changes everything! And He promises to inhabit the praises of His people.

I believe a mighty wave of God's Spirit is coming. People all around us are thirsty for Jesus and don't even know it. We need to position ourselves to usher in His presence and see a great harvest come in. Let's fertilize the ground with our prayers and worship and believe for a massive move of God in our day!

My heart is to see the body of Christ walking in the fullness of what Jesus purchased for us. His presence is the greatest treasure and the only thing that will satisfy.

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