Monday, April 13, 2015

God's Prophetic Warning to America: A Call for Christian Repentance

America's Spiritual Crossroads: A Prophetic Call to Christian Revival

I've been increasingly burdened by the state of our nation and the urgent need for Christian repentance. Today, I want to share a powerful message that God has been weaving together through prophetic visions, dreams, and Biblical insights. It's a message that's been building since at least 1996, and it's time we pay attention.

The Crescendo of God's Message

In my years of ministry, I've noticed a disturbing trend among believers - an unhealthy fascination with end-times prophecy and the Antichrist. While eschatology has its place, this obsession often overshadows the more pressing call to repentance. As the prophet Amos warned, "Woe to you who long for the day of the Lord! Why do you long for the day of the Lord? That day will be darkness, not light" (Amos 5:18).

We're living in times of spiritual warfare, where demonic principalities are manifesting on earth. The persecution of Christians and Jews by groups like ISIS is a stark reminder of the spiritual battle described in Revelation 12. Yet, instead of engaging in spiritual warfare through repentance and prayer, many Christians are content to sit on the sidelines, speculating about the Antichrist's identity.

Prophetic Visions and Warnings

God has been speaking to His servants, the prophets, consistently over the years. Let me share a few prophetic experiences that highlight the urgency of our situation:

1. The Candlestick Vision

A year or two ago, I had an open vision of a candlestick nearly falling to the ground. The flame that should have been on the candlestick was off to the right, and to the left was a figure representing the Jezebel spirit. This vision symbolized the choice the church faces: will we choose the fire of God's presence or succumb to the seductive influence of Jezebel?

2. The Appeal to Heaven Tree

Recently, I had a vision of a tree that I initially mistook for a Christmas tree. It turned out to be the "Appeal to Heaven" tree, which has become a significant symbol in the prophetic community. This vision aligns with messages from other respected voices in the body of Christ, emphasizing the opportunity for a spiritual awakening in America.

3. The Split Pulpit

Perhaps one of the most powerful prophetic signs occurred in 1996 at Christian Tabernacle near Houston. As the pastor read 2 Chronicles 7:14, the Plexiglas pulpit was supernaturally split in two with a clap of thunder. This dramatic event underscores God's emphasis on repentance and the need for structural change in how we approach church and ministry.

Biblical Parallels and Warnings

The current situation in America bears striking similarities to the warnings given to Israel before the Babylonian captivity. In Jeremiah 25, we see God sending His prophets early and often, calling the people to repentance. Yet, they refused to listen, leading to judgment and exile.

Similarly, Jesus faced opposition from religious leaders who were more concerned with maintaining their positions than recognizing the fulfillment of prophecy in their midst (John 11:47-48). We must be careful not to repeat their mistakes by clinging to religious structures that hinder the move of God.

The Call to Repentance

As Christians, we need to take seriously the message of 2 Chronicles 7:14: "If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land."

This is not just a call for national repentance; it's a personal invitation for each believer to examine their heart and turn back to God. We must:

1. Humble ourselves before God

2. Pray fervently for our nation and the church

3. Seek God's face, not just His hand

4. Turn from our wicked ways, both individually and corporately

Signs of the Times

While we shouldn't become obsessed with end-times speculation, we can't ignore the signs around us:

- The persecution of Christians and Jews worldwide

- The significance of the Shemitah year and Jubilee

- Blood moons occurring on Jewish feast days

- The rise of the "Appeal to Heaven" movement

These signs, coupled with the prophetic warnings we've received, should stir us to action.

Conclusion and Call to Action

The ball is in our court, fellow Christians. We can no longer afford to be spectators in this spiritual battle. It's time to take Jesus seriously as Lord, not just an accessory to our lives. Here's what I'm calling you to do:

1. Commit to a season of fasting and prayer for personal and national revival.

2. Study the Scriptures, particularly focusing on passages about repentance and revival.

3. Examine your own life and church practices - are they aligned with Biblical principles or man-made traditions?

4. Share this message with your friends, family, and church community.

5. Join me in crying out to God for a fresh outpouring of His Spirit on our nation.

Remember, Jesus is not just an addition to our lives; He is the Lord of all. Let's respond to His call for repentance and see Him heal our land.

Will you join me in this crucial spiritual endeavor? 

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