Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Unveiling the Prophetic Vision: The Five-Fold Ministry and the Transformation of the Church

Prophetic Vision: Five-Fold Ministry Transformed

I'm excited to share with you a powerful prophetic vision that the Lord has given me. This vision not only confirms the importance of the five-fold ministry but also reveals a crucial transformation that's taking place in the body of Christ. So grab your coffee, open your hearts, and let's dive into this supernatural revelation together!

The Vision at Church and Craft

Recently, while visiting a specific geographical location - the intersection of Church and Craft - God opened my spiritual eyes to a profound open vision. Now, you might be wondering why the location matters. Well, as we see in Scripture, God often speaks in particular places (think of Daniel's visions or John's revelations on Patmos). There's a spiritual significance to geographical locations that we must be attuned to as believers.

In this open vision, I saw a right hand attempting to enter a five-fingered glove. The glove was dark, and interestingly, the two rightmost fingers (what we'd call the ring finger and pinky) were crippled, atrophied, and curled up. These fingers couldn't fit into the glove properly. Then, mysteriously, the five-fingered glove transformed into a white oven mitten, allowing the entire hand to fit inside.

Decoding the Prophetic Symbolism

As I prayed and sought the Lord's wisdom, He began to reveal the meaning behind this powerful imagery:

1. The Hand and Glove: This represents the five-fold ministry as described in Ephesians 4:11 - "And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers."

2. The Healthy Fingers: The first three fingers, symbolizing apostles, prophets, and evangelists, were healthy and fit easily into the glove. This indicates that these ministries are currently operating effectively in the body of Christ.

3. The Crippled Fingers: The two curled and atrophied fingers represent the pastors and teachers. This suggests that these vital roles have become weakened or distorted in the current church structure.

4. The Transformation: The glove changing into a white mitten symbolizes a coming transformation in how we understand and implement the five-fold ministry, particularly in relation to pastors and teachers.

The State of Pastors and Teachers Today

Now, I want to speak the truth in love here. Many of our current pastors and teachers are struggling with a system that doesn't align with God's original design. Instead of shepherding and making disciples as Jesus did, they've been pushed into roles of weekly orators, often motivated more by building congregations than by truly feeding the flock.

2 Timothy 4:3 warns us, "For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears." Sadly, we see this happening in many churches today. The pressure to maintain salaries, buildings, and programs can lead to compromising the full gospel message.

The Misunderstood Role of Pastors

It's crucial to understand that the word "pastor" as we commonly use it today is actually a mistranslation. The Greek word "poimen" used in Ephesians 4:11 is more accurately translated as "shepherd." This role isn't about delivering weekly sermons from a pulpit; it's about intimately guiding and nurturing believers, just as Jesus did with His disciples.

The Call to Transformation

The vision of the glove transforming into a mitten represents God's desire to bring the five-fold ministry back into proper alignment. This means:

1. Redefining pastoral roles to focus on shepherding and discipleship rather than mere oration.

2. Emphasizing the importance of personal encounters with Christ over religious rituals or knowledge about Him.

3. Encouraging teachers to move beyond simply imparting information to facilitating genuine spiritual growth and transformation.

4. Restoring the full operation of apostles, prophets, and evangelists alongside renewed pastoral and teaching ministries.

The Purpose of the Five-Fold Ministry

Ephesians 4:12-13 clearly states the purpose of these gifts: "For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ: Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ."

This isn't about maintaining religious institutions; it's about equipping believers, doing the work of ministry, and building up the body of Christ until we all reach spiritual maturity in Christ.

A Call to Action

It's time for us to seek a genuine encounter with Jesus Christ. Like Paul on the road to Damascus or the woman at the well, when we truly meet Jesus, everything changes. Our priorities shift, and we're willing to give up everything for the "pearl of great price" (Matthew 13:45-46).

Here's what I believe God is calling us to do:

1. Pray for discernment and wisdom as we navigate these changes in the church.

2. Seek a personal, transformative encounter with Jesus Christ.

3. Support and encourage pastors and teachers who are willing to embrace God's true design for their roles.

4. Be open to the full operation of the five-fold ministry in your local church and community.

5. Focus on making disciples rather than just building church attendance.

Remember, it's not about knowing about Jesus; it's about knowing Him personally. On that final day, we don't want to hear those terrifying words, "I never knew you" (Matthew 7:23). Instead, let's pursue an intimate relationship with our Savior and allow Him to use us fully in His kingdom work.

As we move forward, let's keep our eyes fixed on Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith. He's doing a new thing in His church, and we have the privilege of being part of it. Let's embrace this prophetic vision and allow God to transform us and our understanding of ministry.

I'd love to hear your thoughts and experiences related to this vision. How have you seen the five-fold ministry operating in your life or church? Share in the comments below, and let's continue this important conversation.

Until next time, keep digging deeper and reaching higher in Christ!

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