Friday, April 24, 2015

Interview with Dave and Patty Lage from Holy Spirit Led Ministries

 Unleashing the Power of God: An Inspiring Interview with Dave and Patty Lage

Walking in the Miraculous

As a believer passionate about the supernatural power of God, I'm always on the lookout for those who are truly walking in the miraculous. Recently, I had the incredible opportunity to interview Dave and Patty Lage from Holy Spirit Led Ministries. Their testimony and experiences left me in awe of God's power and eager to share their story with you.

The Birth of a Healing Ministry:

Dave's journey into the supernatural began early in life. He recounts, "I have a praying grandmother, and prophets say that I had the Holy Ghost before I was born." At just two years old, Dave had a near-death experience where he saw Jesus. This early encounter set the stage for a life filled with miraculous healings and supernatural experiences.

From a young age, Dave witnessed and participated in healings. He shares, "When I was four years old, I went and laid hands on my mom, and I got a sister exactly five years younger." This simple act of childlike faith resulted in his mother conceiving after being told she couldn't have more children.

Walking in the Supernatural:

What struck me most about Dave and Patty is their unwavering confidence in God's power. They don't wait for a special "leading" to pray for people – they simply see a need and meet it. Dave explains, "If you see somebody with a cane, do you have to wait for God to tell you to go lay hands on him, or can you go without Him telling you?"

This approach has led to countless healings and miracles. They've seen everything from deaf ears opening to metal implants disappearing from bodies. One particularly powerful testimony involved a young girl who had stopped breathing at a state fair. Patty recalls, "I just scooped her up in my lap... I'm just praying in tongues and speaking life into her, and she started breathing again."

Activating Believers:

One of the most inspiring aspects of Dave and Patty's ministry is their focus on activating other believers to walk in the supernatural. They don't just perform miracles themselves – they equip others to do the same. Patty shares, "We want to disciple people... We want to get people saved and healed and set free."

Their approach is simple yet powerful. At one event in Canada, Patty had believers lay hands on those needing healing. She instructed them to say, "In the name of Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit, I speak life." The results were astounding, with many people experiencing instant healing.

Biblical References and Teachings:

Throughout our conversation, Dave and Patty continually referenced Scripture to support their ministry. They often quoted Jesus' words from Mark 16:17-18: "These signs will follow those who believe: In My name they will cast out demons... they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover."

They also emphasized the importance of walking by faith, not by sight. Dave explained, "If you stay in the spirit, you always win. Your weapons are not carnal; they are spiritual." This aligns perfectly with Paul's teachings in 2 Corinthians 10:4.

Personal Reflections:

Interviewing Dave and Patty was a truly transformative experience for me. Their childlike faith and bold approach to ministry challenged me to step out in faith more often. I found myself deeply moved by their testimonies and the tangible presence of God that seemed to flow through them even during our online interview.

Their ministry reminds me of the early church in Acts, where signs and wonders were commonplace. It's a powerful reminder that the same Holy Spirit who empowered the apostles is available to all believers today.

Conclusion and Call to Action:

If you're hungry to see more of God's power in your life and ministry, I encourage you to check out Holy Spirit Led Ministries. Visit their website at or find them on Facebook to learn more about their upcoming events and training sessions.

Let's not settle for a powerless gospel. Instead, let's step out in faith, expecting God to move in miraculous ways. As Dave and Patty have shown, when we make ourselves available, God can use us to bring His kingdom to earth in powerful and tangible ways.

Are you ready to unleash the power of God in your life? Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below, and let's encourage one another to walk in the supernatural!

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