Thursday, April 23, 2015

Seeking God's Will: A Journey of Spiritual Growth and Revelation

Rediscovering God's Will in Nature's Beauty

As I stepped out for my morning prayer walk, the warm sun greeted me, casting its golden rays upon the trees. In that moment, I was struck by the sheer beauty of God's creation. It reminded me of a profound truth: no temporary pleasure of this world can compare to the awe-inspiring wonder of God's handiwork. This realization set the tone for a spiritual journey that would lead me to some powerful insights about seeking God's will.

The Evolution of My Spiritual Walk

From Childhood Faith to Adult Revelation

My journey with prayer and seeking God's will began in my childhood. I vividly remember kneeling beside my bed with my father, praying for others and truly believing we were communicating with God. This early foundation laid the groundwork for a lifelong relationship with the Divine.

As I grew older, my faith journey took many twists and turns. There were times of doubt and backsliding, but even in those moments, I found myself unconsciously reaching out to God. It wasn't until 1995 that I experienced a profound reconnection with my faith, diving headfirst back into a life of prayer and spiritual seeking.

The Power of Prayer Walks

One practice that has been constant throughout my spiritual journey is the prayer walk. There's something powerful about combining physical movement with spiritual reflection. Whether it was strolling along the beaches of Los Angeles or wandering through my current neighborhood, these walks have become a cornerstone of my relationship with God.

The Word: Our Bridge to the Father

As my relationship with God deepened, I began to understand the crucial role of Scripture in our spiritual lives. Jesus tells us that "God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth" (John 4:24). This truth led me to a profound realization: our connection to the Father is intrinsically linked to our relationship with the Word.

The New Age Misconception

Many New Age philosophies attempt to reach the Divine through spiritual experiences alone. However, Jesus clearly stated, "No one comes to the Father except through me" (John 14:6). As believers, we understand that Jesus is the Word made flesh. Therefore, to truly connect with the Father, we must cultivate an intimate relationship with Scripture.

This understanding sets Christianity apart from other spiritual practices. While supernatural experiences can be powerful, they must be grounded in the truth of God's Word to lead us to authentic communion with the Father.

Seeking God's Will: A Divine Mandate

During my recent prayer walk, I was struck by a powerful revelation about the nature of seeking God's will. As I reflected on the Lord's Prayer, particularly the line "Your kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven" (Matthew 6:10), I realized something profound: God's will for us is to actively seek His will.

Moving Beyond Self-Centered Prayer

Too often, our prayers can become self-centered, focused solely on what God can do for us. While bringing our needs to God is important, we're called to a higher purpose. We're meant to be conduits of God's will on earth, manifesting His kingdom in our daily lives.

This revelation challenged me to shift my prayer focus. Instead of constantly asking, "Lord, what can you do for me?" I began to ask, "Lord, what is Your will? How can I be a part of manifesting Your kingdom on earth?"

Love Your Neighbor Through Prayer

Another aspect of seeking God's will involves how we pray for others. Recently, I've been convicted about the casual nature of many of our prayers for others. If we truly love our neighbors as ourselves, shouldn't we pray for them with the same fervor and dedication we would for our own family members?

This realization has transformed how I approach intercessory prayer. Now, when I see a prayer request on social media or hear of a need in my community, I strive to pray with the same intensity and persistence I would if it were my own child or sibling in need.

The Supernatural Realm of God's Will

As we seek God's will, we must remember that we serve a supernatural God. My own journey has been filled with divine encounters and miraculous experiences, which I've detailed in my book "Open Your Eyes: My Supernatural Journey."

Embracing the Miraculous

I'm excited to share that I'll be interviewing Dave and Patty Loggie from Holy Spirit-led Ministries on my platform soon. Their ministry is a powerful testament to the healing and supernatural lifestyle that's available to believers today. Through their teachings, I've been reminded of biblical truths that I had overlooked, further expanding my understanding of God's will and power.

Their ministry, along with others like John G. Lake Ministries and the work of Charles and Frances Hunter, demonstrates that Jesus still heals today. From legs being lengthened to metal implants disappearing, these modern-day miracles serve as a powerful reminder that seeking God's will often leads us into the realm of the supernatural.

Conclusion: A Call to Seek His Will

As I conclude this reflection, I want to challenge you, dear reader, to join me in actively seeking God's will. Let's move beyond self-centered prayers and dive deep into the heart of our Father. Here are some practical steps you can take:

1. Engage in regular prayer walks, allowing God's creation to inspire your communion with Him.

2. Immerse yourself in Scripture, recognizing it as your direct link to the Father's heart.

3. Shift your prayer focus from personal requests to seeking God's will for your life and community.

4. Pray for others with the same fervor you would for your own family.

5. Stay open to the supernatural, remembering that our God is a God of miracles.

I invite you to share your own experiences of seeking God's will in the comments below. Let's encourage one another in this journey of faith and discovery. And if this message has touched your heart, please consider sharing this post. 

Remember, as we diligently seek Him, God promises to reward us with His presence and revelation. May we all grow in our ability to manifest His kingdom on earth as it is in heaven.

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