Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Birthing Revival: Prophetic Insights for a Desperate Generation

 Awakening the Spirit: A Call for Revival in Memphis and Beyond

I'm thrilled to share with you some powerful insights that have been stirring in my heart lately. As I've been walking with the Lord, praying, and reflecting on His Word, I've found myself repeatedly drawn to several key themes that I believe are crucial for our spiritual growth and the revival of our nation.

The Burning Passion for Revival

One of the main topics that God keeps bringing to my attention is the desperate need for revival, particularly in Memphis. It's as if the Lord is shouting this message from the rooftops! I can feel His desire for a spiritual awakening in our city, and I believe it's time for us to respond with fervor and dedication.

The Birth Pangs of Revival

Recently, I had a powerful experience during a worship service that I believe illustrates God's heart for revival. As I was praising the Lord, I saw a vision of clouds on the worship screen transforming into a sonogram image of a baby. It was as if God was showing me that He wants us to birth revival through our diligent seeking of Him.

This vision was confirmed multiple times in the following days through conversations and sermons. It's clear that the Holy Spirit is speaking to the body of Christ about bringing forth a new move of God. We are in the birth pangs of revival, and it's time for us to push through in prayer and worship!

Contrasting Biblical Doctrine with Modern Church Practices

Another area that deeply concerns me is the disconnect between what the Bible teaches and what we often see practiced in churches today. As believers, we need to constantly examine our lives and our congregations in light of Scripture. Are we truly living out the teachings of Jesus, or have we become complacent in our faith?

The Need for Mentorship and Discipleship

One significant issue I've observed is the lack of genuine mentorship and discipleship in many church settings. The apostle Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 4:15, "For though you might have ten thousand instructors in Christ, yet you do not have many fathers." This verse highlights the importance of spiritual fathers who can guide and nurture younger believers.

We need to move beyond simply attending services and listening to sermons. True discipleship involves walking alongside one another, sharing our lives, and helping each other grow in Christ. It's time to embrace the biblical model of mentorship and create deep, meaningful relationships within our church communities.

Knowing God, Not Just About Him

Perhaps one of the most critical aspects of our faith journey is developing a personal, intimate relationship with God. It's not enough to know facts about Him or to simply attend church services. We must pursue a deep, experiential knowledge of our Heavenly Father.

Encountering the Supernatural

As we seek to know God more intimately, we often encounter His supernatural presence in our lives. Recently, my wife Susan and I have experienced several unexplainable events that can only be attributed to God's divine intervention. These experiences serve as powerful reminders that our God is alive and active, constantly seeking to communicate with His children.

The Prophetic Significance of Our Times

We are living in a pivotal moment in history, and I believe God is speaking to us through various signs and prophetic revelations. Two books that have particularly impacted me are "The Next Great Move of God: An Appeal to Heaven for Spiritual Awakening" by Jennifer LeClaire and "The Mystery of the Shemitah" by Jonathan Cahn.

The Appeal to Heaven Flag

The history behind the "Appeal to Heaven" flag is fascinating and holds great significance for our nation. This flag, which features an evergreen tree, was flown by George Washington during the Revolutionary War as a symbol of America's reliance on divine intervention. God has been highlighting this symbol to me and many others, reminding us of our covenant with Him and the need to turn back to our spiritual roots.

The Shemitah and God's Timing

Jonathan Cahn's work on the Shemitah (a seven-year cycle in the Hebrew calendar) has revealed intriguing patterns in America's history and economy. When combined with the messages from "The Harbinger," these insights point to the supernatural nature of God's dealings with our nation. We must pay attention to these prophetic signs and respond with humility and repentance.

A Call to Action: Becoming Intercessors for Our Nation

In light of all that God is revealing, it's clear that we can no longer remain lukewarm in our faith. We must transition from being passive hearers of the Word to active doers who intercede for our nation. Second Chronicles 7:14 serves as a powerful reminder of our role in bringing about spiritual renewal:

"If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land."

It's time for us to become like Daniel, who fervently prayed for his nation. We must step up our seeking of God, deepen our repentance, and cultivate a desperate hunger for His presence.

Igniting the Fire of Revival

As we look at the state of our nation, it's evident that America is sliding down a dangerous path of wickedness. But this is also an exciting time to be alive because the lines are being drawn more clearly than ever before. We must choose to stand firmly for Jesus and His Kingdom.

I encourage you, my dear friends, to join me in turning up the heat in your spiritual life. Let's not be content with lukewarm Christianity. Instead, let's become passionate, on-fire believers who are willing to do whatever it takes to see revival break out in our cities and nation.

Will you answer the call? Will you join me in seeking God with all your heart, in mentoring others, and in interceding for our land? Together, we can be part of the next great move of God that will transform lives and bring glory to His name.

Thank you for being part of this journey with me. If this message has touched your heart, please share it with others and consider supporting our ministry as we continue to spread the good news of Jesus Christ. Let's keep seeking Him diligently, for He is faithful to reward those who earnestly seek Him (Hebrews 11:6).

May God bless you abundantly as you pursue Him with all your heart!

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