Friday, April 17, 2015

Tina Tatum Interview - National Day of Prayer

Embracing Unity and Revival: Reflections on the National Day of Prayer


I've been witnessing an incredible movement of God in the Memphis Mid-South area. Today, I want to share my thoughts on a pivotal event that's set to ignite our community's faith: the National Day of Prayer for DeSoto County. This gathering isn't just another religious observance; it's a catalyst for transformation and a call to unity that I believe will ripple across our nation.

The Power of Coming Together:

When I think about the National Day of Prayer, I'm reminded of Jesus' words in John 17:20-23. He prayed for all believers to be one, just as He and the Father are one. This unity isn't just a nice idea—it's the very thing that will make the world believe in Christ's mission. As I've been preparing for this event, I've felt a strong conviction that God is calling us to set aside our denominational differences and come together as one body.

The 'If' That Changes Everything:

There's a powerful word that keeps resonating in my spirit: "if." It comes from 2 Chronicles 7:14, where God says, "If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land." This "if" is like a hinge on a door—it's the turning point that can unleash God's healing and revival in our land.

A Prophetic Moment for Memphis:

I believe we're standing at a prophetic crossroads. There have been numerous words spoken over Memphis and the surrounding area, indicating that God is positioning us for a significant move of His Spirit. One prophecy that stands out to me is about an olive branch stretching from Olive Branch, Mississippi, into Memphis, Tennessee, signaling a great revival. These prophetic insights aren't just feel-good messages; they're calls to action for us as believers.

The Seven Mountains of Influence:

During our National Day of Prayer event, we'll be focusing on seven key areas of influence in our society: family, church, government, business, education, media, and arts & entertainment. This strategy, sometimes called the "Seven Mountains Mandate," recognizes that as believers, we're called to be salt and light in every sphere of society. It's not just about Sunday morning worship; it's about bringing God's Kingdom into every aspect of our lives.

Breaking Down Walls:

One of the most exciting aspects of this gathering is that it's breaking down traditional barriers. We're meeting at Brown Missionary Baptist Church, a predominantly African-American congregation. This choice is intentional. It's a statement that we're willing to step outside our comfort zones and familiar surroundings to demonstrate the unity Christ prayed for. It's in this coming together that I believe we'll see the power of God manifested in unprecedented ways.

A Call to Action:

As we approach the National Day of Prayer, I want to challenge each of you reading this. Will you be part of the "if"? Will you humble yourself, pray, seek God's face, and turn from anything that's hindering your walk with Him? This isn't just about attending an event; it's about positioning ourselves for a move of God that could transform our communities, our nation, and even the world.


The National Day of Prayer on May 7th at 6 PM at Brown Missionary Baptist Church is more than just a date on the calendar. It's an opportunity for us to make history—to be part of a generation that saw division in the church and decided to stand united instead. It's a chance to appeal to heaven, just as our forefathers did, believing that God is still in the business of healing lands and reviving hearts.

I invite you to join us. Let's be the answer to Jesus' prayer for unity. Let's be the "if" that ushers in revival. Together, we can exalt Jesus and see His Kingdom come in power in the Memphis Mid-South area and beyond.

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