Audio Podcast (PODCAST HERE) Show Notes:
You will be continued to be plagued until you become a kingdom seeker;
Aspirin doesn't work on the devil;
Being meet for the Master's use;
Don't be unequally yoked with unbelievers;
Seek Him diligently for reward Heb 11:6;
Kingdom Keys are in the Word ;
Knowing the Truth to recover ourselves;
Mark 4:23-25 taking heed what we hear;
It is worth selling everything for the treasure in the field'
2 Kings 5 Naaman had to DO what the Spirit said;
Walking out my heavy metal deliverance;
Burning the things devoted to destruction;
Fowls of the air steal the word that was sown;
Being sanctified for miracles to happen;
Walking out deliverance;
Eph 6 Armor is proactive passage;
Satanic hierarchy of darkness;
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