Saturday, September 2, 2023

Aliens or Demons? - Unmasking the Deception

Are Aliens Real or Are They Demons in Disguise?

The debate over whether aliens are real or if they are actually interdimensional demons is a fascinating one. In this latest episode of Coffee with Conrad, we dive deep into this discussion from all angles. Looking at historical examples, personal experiences, and biblical theories, this episode explores both sides of the debate over whether alien encounters throughout history could really be manifestations of demonic entities.

Compelling Historical Examples of “Ancient Aliens” 

UFO and ancient alien theorists often point to many remarkable examples in antiquity that supposedly demonstrate advanced extraterrestrial contact. These include:

- The elaborate Nazca Lines in Peru which resemble airport runways when viewed from the sky. Erich von Daniken claimed these massive geoglyphs were built for aliens to see from their spacecraft. 

- The Book of Ezekiel’s vivid description of fantastical wheeled creatures and beings, advanced technology and a glowing humanoid figure. Some believe this describes an ancient alien encounter.  

- The Dropa Stones - circular stones with tiny hieroglyphs found in Chinese caves supposedly telling the story of an alien crash landing thousands of years ago.

- The sarcophagus lid of King Pakal at Palenque, showing Pakal in a craft that looks like a spacecraft. However, mainstream experts say it just depicts Pakal’s journey to the underworld.

- Vimanas - flying vehicles and spacecraft described in Hindu Sanskrit epics, claimed by some to be evidence of ancient alien technology.

- The Bayankara Ula discs found in China with hieroglyphics supposedly describing an extraterrestrial crash and technology. Most experts believe these were an archeological hoax from the 1930s.

- Prehistoric cave paintings in Italy thought to depict ancient astronauts, but more likely ceremonial costumes and masks. 

- Temple carvings in Malta claimed to be aliens and spacecrafts. Contested by archaeologists as religious symbols.

Remarkable Overlaps Between Alien Abductions and Demonic Encounters

- Sleep paralysis and immobilization of victims is common to both phenomena. 

- Both tend to occur at night when people are in bed asleep. 

- Levitation or out-of-body sensations frequently reported during events. I personally experienced this during night terrors.

- Sexual molestation, reproductive experimentation and fetal harvesting themes emerge in both sets of accounts. Echoes Biblical Nephilim theories.

- Experiences described as deeply terrifying despite any friendly outward appearances. The true nature seems masked.

- Missing time, confusion, and memory loss frequently reported afterward. 

- Unexplained injuries, marks or scars on bodies after events.

- Interest in controlling thoughts, beliefs and understanding.

Biblical Support for the Theory of Aliens As Deceitful Demons

Several Bible verses lend credence to the idea that demonic entities could be posing as technologically advanced aliens:

- Revelation 12 discusses Satan and his angels being cast out of Heaven down to Earth, providing a means to manifest as aliens.

- 2 Corinthians 11:14 says Satan can disguise himself as an angel of light, so a deceitful alien appearance is possible.

 - Ephesians 2:2 refers to Satan as the prince of the power of the air. This implies demons could have the means to masquerade as spacecraft and aliens.

- The Nephilim of Genesis 6 could provide a motive for demons to technologically manipulate humanity’s reproduction and sexuality. 

Insights from My Personal Supernatural Experiences

As someone who suffered from extremely vivid night terrors and sleep paralysis as a child, I recognize many similarities to modern alien abduction accounts. The paralyzing dread, levitation, missing time, and unexplained physical effects all echo reported extraterrestrial encounters. Studying this phenomenon made me realize that aliens could, in fact, be shape-shifting demonic entities deploying an elaborate deception.

Interview with Moonwalker Charlie Duke 

During this podcast episode, I shared an interview clip with Apollo 16 astronaut Charlie Duke explaining why he believes that aliens are not extraterrestrial but rather “demonic beings.” As a NASA moonwalker, Duke contends that nothing humans have created could perform the maneuvers UFOs seem to display. Therefore, he concludes that “alien” spacecraft must represent demonic deceptions designed to distract humanity from God.

Lack of Credible Evidence from SETI 

No scientifically valid signal or contact with intelligent alien life has ever been confirmed by SETI or any other astronomical organization. This absence of hard evidence for real extraterrestrials lends more credence to the theory that “aliens” could be deceptive spiritual entities rather than actual beings from other planets.


While legitimate extraterrestrial life may theoretically exist somewhere in the vast cosmos, the available evidence suggests that alien visitations to Earth are more likely to be deceiving demons posing as technologically superior beings. Their goal seems to be to undermine humanity's relationship with God. Jesus Christ has given believers spiritual protection from these forces of darkness. As we analyze these mysteries, we must test the spirits, ground ourselves in scripture, and avoid preconceived biases. The truth is out there, but we must be vigilant not to be deceived.

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