Saturday, November 17, 2018

Back to Christian Basics

We can stray away from the fundamentals of Christianity at times. We need to get back to the basics.

Audio Podcast Show Notes:
My blog was about national repentance 2 Chron 7:14;
Fundamentals are important in football and God;
The prophetic football dream ;
Disciplining ourselves to write our dreams down;
Some major revelations are fundamental Christianity;
Proverbs 9:10 Fear of the Lord is the beginning;
Loving God above all else is fundamental;
Dad terminally diagnosed to the exact day;
Panic attacks because I relied on dad and not God;
Hollywood chews up and spits out wholesome people;
Believe- 'Pisteuo' means to 'rely upon' John 3:16;
Seeking God in Spirit and Truth;
Seeking the Spirit of God by meditating on the Word;
God came through for groceries miracle;
God came through on rent miracle;
God's plan for salvation is bigger than me;
My prophetic phone;
Seeking God in Spirit and in Truth;


  1. Replies

    1. Here is the link to my books on amazon.
