Saturday, December 4, 2021

Spiritual Revelation - What to Do with it!

Quickened Spiritual Revelation

Sometimes the Spirit of Truth will quicken some mind-blowing truths to us. I talk about how I handle them.

What are we supposed to do with Revelation?  

Show Notes:
I had a whopper revelation recently;
Spiritual things are Spiritually discerned;
Initial Revelation and then walking it out;
Meditate on it and pray about relevant scriptures;
Isaiah 28:9,10 Precepts given by the Lord;
Hypocrites know the word but don’t apply it;
Matt 7:3-5 get the beam out first;
John 8:31,32 the truth makes us free;
The beam affects everything we do;
Solutions are in The Word;
Fruits of repentance are apparent;
Seeking God diligently Heb 11:6;
Problems drive us to our knees;
Don't give up asking, seeking, and knocking;
Paul and the thorn in his flesh;
Revelation is to be applied not polished;
Tastes good, but walking it out is bitter;
2 Tim 2:24 Repentance Truth and defeating the devil;
Kicking it over with a mentor;

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